Will & Testament – Basic single will

(Single) Last Will & Testament

"*" indicates required fields

Residential Address:*
The Testator / Testatrix

1. Revocation

We hereby revoke all previous wills and codicils made by me.

2. Nomination of Executor

I nominate
Full name and surname of executor*

or alternatively a senior attorney at AJS Law as the executor of my estates with the right of assumption and substitution and I direct that my executor be exempted from having to find security for the due fulfillment of his/her duties as such.

3. Specific Bequest

3.1 I bequeath
3.2 I bequeath
in the presence of the undersigned witnesses, all of us being present at the same time.

4. Bequest of residue (remainder of estate)

provided that if any of my aforesaid heirs predecease me leaving issues (children), such issue shall inherit by substitution per stirpes. Should such predeceased heir die without leaving issue his or her share shall devolve upon
or their issue.

or their issue.

Signed by me at:

MM slash DD slash YYYY
in the presence of the undersigned witnesses who affixed their signatures hereto all of us being present at the same time.

Witness 1:

Full name of witness 1

Witness 2:

Full name of witness 2
Did you?
If you require any assistance with your will or need information contact AJS Law inc free of charge on 021 824 2024 or info@ajslaw.co.za.

Contact Details

Tel: 021 824 2024
Email : info@ajslaw.co.za
22B Church Street, Durbanville, Cape Town, 7550

Postal Address:
PO Box 4700, Durbanville, 7551
Docex: 3 Durbanville

Company Registration Number 2019/017663/21

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